by Robert W Hickey, Bill Nichols, Mitch Byrd, Willie Peppers, Chris Dreier cover by Mitch Byrd
Artist Edition
Wrap around Cover.
Time Agents Tamara Rose and Christiana Blood land in a future where steam engines and dinosaurs roam the land. They discover Marta even has a presence in this time recruiting more to her band of rogues and the importance of a dormant volcano and how it will help them get back to their home base of Infinity… if it still exists.
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An immense stone of extraordinary power held the layers of time in sync from the instant the universe itself was created.
The stone was placed outside the time stream by the Time Lords who watched over and protected the stone throughout eternity.
That was the plan.
Until it was that some of the Time Lords desired the stone for themselves and caused the stone to be shattered into shards and scattered throughout history. But not before they escaped and vanished to scheme anew.
The banished time lord Marta assembled her own group of villainous Rogues to find the time lost shards, promising them wealth and power beyond imagining. However, what greater power could they imagine but the Time Stone itself?
Chronos and the other Time Lords sent forth their own guardian Agents who were given the task of finding each shard in the hope once the stone was pieced back together, it would set time back into balance before eternity itself ceased to exist.
And so began The PARADOX WARS…